The Retold 10: With Chris Marchini
1. Who are you? Share you name, title, and relevant info!

2. On a personal or professional level, what significance does sustainability hold for you?
Where did you start your sustainability journey?
4. Have you set any specific sustainability goals this year? If so, what are they?
5. Who are your favorite eco-friendly brandS?
6. What would you like to see more of in the sustainability sector?
7. What was the last podcast, newsletter, or book that motivated you to adopt more sustainable practices or deepened your understanding of an eco-related topic?
8. How did you come across Retold?
9. How would you describe your Retold persona (e.g., slow and steady = annual, big declutter = 10 packs)?
10. If someone was going to gift you an item from Retold’s sustainable store, what would it be??